Te Tōpūtanga o te Whare Korou ki Aotearoa - Passive House Institute New Zealand

We advocate for healthy, highly energy-efficient homes and buildings in Aotearoa NZ

Our mission

Our mission is to increase the awareness of the benefits and opportunities of high-performance buildings based on the Passive House Standard, through research, education and building industry engagement.

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Recent news

PHINZ Appoints New Chair to the Board

PHINZ has recently appointed a new Chair to the Board and we are delighted to announce that Joe Lyth, Director of WEL Architecture, has ...more

PHINZ Submits Response to Building Code H1 Changes – A Call for a Transformative Approach

Te Tōpūtanga o te Whare Korou ki Aotearoa, Passive House Institute NZ (PHINZ) has voiced its concerns regarding the proposed changes to the ...more

PHINZ Welcomes Joe Lyth, Director of WEL Architecture to the Board.

Joe is no stranger to our Passive House Community but we have asked him to share a little about himself and his goals with our members. ...more

Case studies

Living in a Passive House

Hear about New Zealand Passive Houses, their quality, comfort and energy efficiency, from those who live in one.

Check out Passive Houses in NZ