Become a PHINZ Member

Support PHINZ in our charitable purposes and become part of an international movement focused on buildings that perform to expectations.

Membership LevelTeina*$50 +GST/yearIndividual$150+GST/year Bronze$200+GST/year Silver$400+GST/yearGold$800+GST/yearTertiary institutions**$1600+GST/year
Discounts vouchers (for events, training and software)1123410
Keys to obtain access to international technical information and expertise via free membership of the International Passive House Association1123410
Listing in Member Directory with contact information and link to desired corporate webpage.--
Certified Passive House highlight, as appropriate.---

* Teina: student/graduate/retired/unwaged

** Rates and benefits for tertiary institution membership are an example, please contact us at so we can customise the number of discount vouchers and access key to your particular requirements.