Renewing your professional certification

Attaining professional Passive House cer­ti­fic­ation as a designer, consultant, building certifier, or tradesperson takes hard work and dedication. It is globally recognised as a mark of qual­ity and distinction. The cer­ti­fic­ate and seal are valid for the individual that achieved the qualification, not the organisation they work for.

To en­sure that cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House pro­fes­sion­als are up to date, you need to re­new your cer­ti­fic­ate every 5 years. The cer­ti­fic­ate can be re­newed as many times as de­sired. If it ex­pires, the pub­lic­a­tion on the international web­site will be de­ac­tiv­ated and de­leted after 6 months.

Members with a professional Passive House certification have an icon representing their qualification against their listing in our directory so they can be found easily.

Certified professional are listed on the international database here:

More detailed information about renewing is available from the international Passive House Institute website here.