Passive House Hui 2019

Location: Villa Maria Winery, 118 Montgomerie Rd, Mangere, Auckland 2022
Date: 17/08/2019
Time: 11 am - 4:30 pm
Cost: $115/$130 (incl GST)

Event details

Every year PHINZ holds a National Gathering for Passive House professionals in Aotearoa NZ to come together to share real-world experience and learn from each other. This year the gathering will be held at the beautiful Villa Maria Winery in Auckland.

  • Hear directly from industry professionals as they share details from their current and future projects.
  • Learn about new plans and developments within PHINZ.
  • Quiz the expert panel on all Passive House related topics in the Q&A session.

And afterwards you will have a chance to network with others that share your passion for building a better Aotearoa NZ. For those of you who will stay in Auckland, we will arrange for a dinner with other delegates in the CBD on request. Please indicate whether you want to join us when you register below.


▶ Welcome & Morning Tea
▶ Session 1

  • Philip Ivanier: The long term experience of living in a Passive House
  • Rochelle Payne: The Living House

▶ Lunch
▶ Session 2

  • Darryl Sang: The Legacy Building
  • Update on PHINZ activities

▶ Expert Panel
▶ Afternoon tea
▶ Networking

When: Saturday, 17 August 2019
Where: Villa Maria Winery, 118 Montgomerie Rd, Mangere, Auckland 2022
Time: 11 am to 4.30 pm
Cost: $115 per person for PHINZ Members / $130 per person for Non-Members (incl GST)

Register using the form below by Wednesday, 10 July Sunday, 4 August 2019