PHINZ Hui 2023: Beyond the single dwelling
Event details
CPD Code: 8 points V276_2023_NZ
Hui Program
09:00 Arrival & coffee/tea
09:30 Welcome from the chair
09.45 Construction accord – Jennifer Taylor
10:00 Passive House Commercial – Elrond Burrell, Bryce Dunlop & Nick Yannakis
11:00 Morning tea
11:30 Pecha Kucha – Various speakers
12:45 Lunch
13:45 PHINZ update from the chair
14:00 Passive House multiunit housing – Natasha Cockerell, Joe Lyth, Dimas Rodriguez & Jason Quinn
15.00 Afternoon tea
15.30 PHINZ Member workshop
16:45 2023 Awards
17:00 Farewell from the chair
18:00 Social dinner
As the Passive House movement gathers momentum in Aotearoa (with 145 Certified projects and counting), PHINZ is gearing up for our annual Hui. Join us for an engaging and interactive day of discussion and workshopping as we consider Passive House beyond the realm of the single, bespoke home.
Come on a journey with industry experts and colleagues as we kōrero moving Passive House from the niche to the mainstream, covering multi-unit housing, commercial developments, prefabricated buildings and more.
We’d like to say a huge mihi to our key sponsors Fantech and APL we wouldn’t be able to do this without you!
Key note speakers:
- Jennifer Taylor (Construction Sector Accord), on her mahi with the Construction Sector Accord, and how Passive House fits into the wider context of the construction sector response to the Climate Emergency
- Bryce & Donnelle Dunlop (Dunlop Builders), on their ground-breaking ‘Dunlop Hub’ Certified Passive commercial office project
- Nick Yannakis (Beca), on his experience developing the Nae Nae pool project Passive House Business Case
- Dimas Rodriguez (Oculus Architectural Engineering), on his experience as the Passive House Designer for Kainga Ora’s ‘Bader Ventura’ Certified Passive House multi-unit residential development
- Jason Quinn (Sustainable Engineering), on his experience as the Passive House Certifier for Bader Ventura, and other multi-unit residential projects.
- Murray Robertson (PHINZ Chair) with an update on PHINZ strategy/ direction and exciting things to come
Pecha Kucha presenters:
- Tobias Smith ( PTL | Structural & Fire), on the Kohinga – St Albans Community Centre – designing a mass timber/ thermal-bridge free structure from an Engineer’s perspective
- Arthur Lee (Respond Architects), presenting his approach to Life Cycle Carbon calculations and analysis in a Passive House context
- Guy Shaw (Energy Architecture), presenting his work on the Scott Base (Antarctica) Geomagnetic Observatory building
- Matthew Cutler-Welsh (NZGBC), on integrating PHPP and Homestar Version 5
- Damien McGill (The Healthy Home Corporation), discussing his experience in Enerphit and renovating to create healthy homes
- Bryce Dunlop (Dunlop Builders), on lessons learned from residential Passive House projects – a builders perspective
We still have a few presenters to confirm, watch this space!
Site Visits
Wednesday 15th November
NK Windows
Established in 2000, NK Windows is one of the most experienced uPVC window and door suppliers in New Zealand. It is all we do. We exist to make New Zealand homes warmer, safer and quieter. This tour is an opportunity to view our products and have a unique look at a modern, high volume window factory.
- 11.30am-12pm arrive at our factory – sign in/Health and Safety
- 12 -1pm Factory tour
- 1.30pm Q&A session
- Register with Martin at info@nkwindows.co.nz
- Location – 17 Hammersmith Drive, Wigram, Christchurch
- nkwindows.co.nz
Terralana Factory
Since 1999, Terra Lana have harnessed the unique qualities of New Zealand wool to make superior performing, natural wool blend products that are better for our people, land and future. . This will be a unique opportunity to tour Terra Lana’s blending, recycling and manufacturing processes, to see how wool from local farms is turned into high quality insulation.
- 2.30-2.45pm arrive at our factory – sign in/Health and Safety3.00-4.00pm Tour of both our recycling and blending plant and manufacturing plant4.00-5.00pm nibbles and beverages provided with a Q&A session
5pm finish - Register with Brad at brad.s@terralana.co.nz
- Location – 55 Francella Street, Christchurch
- terralana.co.nz
Friday 17th November
Russ Drive
This was Edwards and Co Builders first certified Passive House project with an amazing 0.3ACH airtightness result. It is very much a house of two halves, with the principal area of 97m2 TFA being certified to the Passive House standard and the guest wing being high performance. Come and talk with builder Liam about his passion towards building this certified passive home for his clients whilst overcoming the pressure to achieve the vigorous standards.
- Site visits to be from 9am to 11am
- Register with Liam at liam@edandcobuilders.co.nz
- Location – Russ Drive, Lincoln
- edandcobuilders.co.nz/our-work/russ-drive
- https://sustainableengineering.co.nz/casestudy/tocker-residence/
Bushland Park
Bushland Park, New Zealand’s first Passive House neighbourhood is under construction. Ethos Homes have completed two PH Plus certified Rātā homes in 2022 and construction has begun on a further two Tōtara homes, both also targeting PH Plus. Come for a tour though a completed house and talk with Pete & Amanda on their experience of living in one of their own buildings – what works and how their experience matches their expectations from the thermal modelling. Construction is underway and frames are expected to be up in time for the site visit.
- Site visits to be 11am to 1pm
- Register with Amanda at amanda@ethoshomes.co.nz
- Location – 8 Bushland Place, Christchurch
- ethoshomes.co.nz/bushland-park
- https://sustainableengineering.co.nz/casestudy/8-bushland-place/
Waikuku Beach Passive House
A compact and modest low-carbon Passive House in Waikuku, Canterbury. Owner Paul Finch has been blogging extensively on his journey and has presented a case study webinar on the Finch Family’s journey to a greener, more comfortable holiday home in Waikuku Beach, Canterbury. Discover how the power of Passive House design and saveBOARD’s low-carbon building materials came together to create a masterpiece of comfort.
- Site visits to be from 1pm to 3pm
- Register with Paul at pmf@finbo.org
- Queens Avenue, Waikuku, North Canterbury
- facebook.com/waikukupassive
Book your tickets here: