Passive House at COP26

Location: Online
Date: 1-12 November 2021
Cost: Free

Event details

COP26 is upon us and you can visit some of it online. Here is a quick summary of the Passive House events happening at COP26.

Virtual Pavilion – enter here.
The following is a list of the Passive Houses displayed in the pavilion:

Talks and presentations:

1-2am: Sustainable city regions: how can we enable zero-carbon living at scale?
With Mayor Würzner of Heidelberg discussing the Heidelberger Bahnstadt. Register here

2.15-3.30am: Climate-neutral housing – Decarbonizing the housing stock in an inclusive and affordable way. With Jessica Grove-Smith from Passive House Institute. Register here

2-3am: Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy.
Join this hour-long webinar highlighting the global achievements of the Efficiency First Campaign, as well as plans for the future. Speaking will be Dr Michael Jack from the University of Otago. Register here