The Passive House Season Series 1 – Passive House: Our Common Future
Event details
PHINZ is excited to present the first webinar in our Passive House Season – Passive House: Our Common Future.
When: 29 April 2022, 9-11am
Cost: Free
Series 1 will be free and will explore the bigger picture of Passive House’s relation to climate neutrality in the global context, and its role in social housing within Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Hon. Dr Megan Woods will be opening the season with the speaker line up including:
- Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, Vice Chair of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Michael Jack from Otago University
- Brian Berg from Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities
- Ali GhaffarianHoseini from AUT’s School of Future Environments.
Webinar content:
- How much closer can PH get us to climate neutrality
- Can ultra-efficient houses keep us warm and healthy and solve the “dry-year problem?
- Kainga Ora’s Ngā Kāinga Anamata development
2 CPD points V109_2022_NZ
20 NZRAB CPD – please apply individually to NZIA via cpd@nzia.co.nz
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