Project details

    Building type

    Is this a retrofit?YesNo

    Project phase

    Certification type
    See PHI Criteria page here for certification qualifications. PHI certifies only FINISHED projects that have been tested and shown to meet the Passive House, EnerPHit, or PHI Low Energy Building criteria.

    Please attach professional photos (JPEG, GIF or PNG), max file size 2MB each

    Do you give permission for PHINZ to use project images to promote the Passive House standard in brochures and other advertising materials?YesNo

    Contact Info

    Business type

    Are you a current member of PHINZ?

    Please note we publish full contact details for members only. Non-members can still submit projects.

    Additional team members involved

    Are they a current member of PHINZ?

    Are they a current member of PHINZ?

    Please note: All submissions will have to be approved.

    Project description

    Character count (max. 3000): 0