
The latest version of the Passive House Planning Package.

Standard Price: $380 inc GST
Member price: $323 inc GST

PHPP & Design PH licences are assigned to an individual (usually the person undertaking the work) rather than the company. Please confirm the details of the Individual that licence will be assigned to in the above field.
Please note, should the individual leave the company, you will need to contact PHINZ or PHI directly to arrange a licence transfer.
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The latest version of the Passive House Planning Package, used to model the performance of a Passive House design for compliance with the Passive House Standard and for submission for Certification.

The new PHPP 10 includes an online manual and a whole range of advantages such as:

  • Energy balance calculation within a conventional spreadsheet format
  • Simple and direct data input
  • Validated accuracy of results
  • Continuous further development
  • Verification tool for Passive House buildings and EnerPHit modernisations
  • Includes detailed user manual with energy efficiency advice
  • Import/Export data interface for other programmes
  • Certification for Passive House Plus and Premium categories