Passive House & the NZ Building Code
With the recent coverage of health and energy-related issues with NZ housing, we thought it was pertinent to make our Position Paper more readily available. This version has been updated to be current as of May 2018 and sets out the PHINZ position in the NZ housing landscape. Of course, the Passive House standard is applicable to all building typologies and much of the paper could equally be applied to schools, office, health facilities etc.
The paper sets out what a Certified Passive House is, the status of housing in New Zealand, issues with the NZ Building Code as it stands and issues with other suggested approaches to improving it. It comments on the relevance of the performance of new houses with regard to overall housing performance and if requiring Passive House performance will amplify housing unaffordability. Finally, it closes with guidance on the road to closing the performance gap for houses.
It is a goldmine of evidence-based information if this is an area of interest to you.
As well as providing education and resources, PHINZ is here to benefit the community by:
- Improving public health and well-being and relieving fuel poverty of the people of New Zealand through the promotion of healthy and highly energy efficient homes and public buildings;
- Working with the public sector of New Zealand to improve the energy efficiency of New Zealand homes and public buildings
If you think we could help you, please get in touch by emailing enquiries [@] phinz.org.nz