Tag Archives: EfficiencyFirst

Earth Day 2021 is on April 22nd! Restoring Our Earth is bigger than one solution or one country’s efforts. We must come together as a global community to make changes, and more importantly make them quickly. Recognising the crucial role that maximising the efficiency of the resources we already have is pivotal: EFFICIENCY is our FIRST renewable resource. Find out all about the Passive House Efficiency First Campaign here

#passivehouse #Passivhaus #efficiencyfirst #RestoreOurEarth #EarthDay

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The international campaign continues, with the launch of the PHINZ #EfficiencyFirst Pamphlet. This is available on our downloads page, and you can also view the pamphlets for other iPHA affiliates here


Associação Passivhaus Portugal (PHPT)

Hellenic Passive House Institute

IG Passivhaus Deutschland

New York Passive House (NYPH)

North American Passive House Network (NAPHN)

Passivhaus Austria

Passive House California (PHCa)

Passivhaus Trust

Plataforma Edificación Passivhaus (PEP)


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Have you seen the well-known visual example describing Passive House as a thermos versus a conventional building as an actively heated coffee machine? It’s time for an update!

In order to celebrate the announcement of the Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy campaign, the International Passive House Association is running a competition from 15 February – 1 March. The #ExplainPassiveHouse competition will showcase what the Passive House Standard is, using everyday household objects to describe how a Passive House building works! To take part, simply follow us and post your description of how a Passive House building works using common items to social media with the hashtags #ExplainPassiveHouse and #EfficiencyFirst between the 15th of February and 1st of March.

You can win a Passive House Designer or PHPP expert course or tickets to the 25th annual Internal Passive House Conference in Wuppertal, Germany this September!


To participate:

1. Make sure you’re following iPHA on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram)

2. Post a description of how a Passive House building works using common items to social media between the 15th of February and 1st of March.

3. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #ExplainPassiveHouse and #EfficiencyFirst. That’s it!

Terms and conditions: https://www.passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=567

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