Tag Archives: webinar

We are excited to bring to you the PHINZ 2025 Webinar Series, with 20 webinars over the space of 10 months tailored for both the Designers in our community as well as Builders and Tradespeople.

The overarching webinar theme for the year

  1. Designers webinars : How to Build a Passive House
  2. Builders Social webinars: Everything Passive House

Whatever your interest in Passive House or level of expertise, there is something for everyone in this series. 

Each month we will present 2 x 1.5hr webinars on the selected topic for the month. The first webinar will be a Designers Webinar with a Host/moderator, technical speaker/s and a Q&A session.

The Builders Social will be more informal with the host providing a brief overview and perspective on the topic followed by a Q&A with the builder/s.


FebruaryAvoiding Lock-In Effects in Floor Slabs and Foundations
MarchAlternative Wall systems – SIPS’s, straw
AprilWeathertightness vs Airtightness
MayWindow Selection & Installation
JuneOpen discussion – Energy modelling insights


JulyHeat Pumps for space heating & hot water
AugustPassive House & Solar
SeptemberVentilation Design & Installation
OctoberHot Water & Plumbing
NovemberOpen discussion – I wish I’d known/You only do this once

View our Events page for details of individual webinars as they become available.

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On Thursday 25th November PHINZ hosted a webinar which covered the challenges faced and solutions implemented in consenting the windows for the Wunderbar Passive House project.

Darryl Sang and Alya Abed Ali from Sang Architects and Darryl August and Ian Fong from August Millard talked through the details and shared their learnings.

If you missed the webinar itself or would like to re-run it again you can find the link for the recording and the slides below. We hope you enjoy it. Watch out for more webinars hosted by PHINZ in the near future on both our website in Upcoming Events and on our Facebook page.

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