Category Archives: News

Earth Day 2021 is on April 22nd! Restoring Our Earth is bigger than one solution or one country’s efforts. We must come together as a global community to make changes, and more importantly make them quickly. Recognising the crucial role that maximising the efficiency of the resources we already have is pivotal: EFFICIENCY is our … Continue reading Earth Day 2021

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Two exciting new developments are in the pipeline, advocating for Passive House to provide healthy and energy efficient new homes. 1. Bushland Park Bushland Park near Christchurch offers houses that have already been designed to target Passive House certification. The project has been designed by certified Passive House designer Karen Manson, of PHINZ member Meta … Continue reading Two Exciting New Developments

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The international campaign continues, with the launch of the PHINZ #EfficiencyFirst Pamphlet. This is available on our downloads page, and you can also view the pamphlets for other iPHA affiliates here iPHA Associação Passivhaus Portugal (PHPT) Hellenic Passive House Institute IG Passivhaus Deutschland New York Passive House (NYPH) North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) Passivhaus … Continue reading Launch of the #EfficiencyFirst Pamphlet

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Have you seen the well-known visual example describing Passive House as a thermos versus a conventional building as an actively heated coffee machine? It’s time for an update! In order to celebrate the announcement of the Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy campaign, the International Passive House Association is running a competition from 15 February – … Continue reading Competition: Explain Passive House!

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PHINZ and Sustainable Engineering Ltd are well on the way to completion of the High-Performance Construction Details Handbook. (Download a technical draft of the handbook here. 02.06.21 The draft is no longer available as the handbook will be published soon.) Funded by The Building Research Levy, PHINZ and Sustainable Engineering, the handbook will be a … Continue reading High-Performance Construction Details in the news

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Saturday 31 October saw our largest hui to date, with over 80 attendees and 12 sponsor supplier stands, at Otago Polytechnic in Ōtepoti Dunedin. After a Covid-related reschedule from August, we were lucky that our speakers and most of the original attendees were still available, and with a few new faces also now able to attend. … Continue reading A Successful Passive House Hui

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Kia ora koutou, In honour of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, I had a chat to Kiharoa Milroy  (Tūhoe and Ngāti Whakaue) about the gifting of our Te Reo name – Te Tōpūtanga o te Whare Korou ki Aotearoa – earlier this year. Kiharoa explained that he was approached by a member of the board … Continue reading Whare Korou – Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

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We were very pleased to have Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw from The Workshop keynote at SPPHC19 (video and slides available here – it is highly recommended watching before making use of the checklist below) Subsequently, PHINZ has worked with Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw to develop a checklist for our members. It is intended to help you advocate … Continue reading How to Talk About Passive House

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Within the industry and media, there are occasionally claims that buildings meet or exceed the Passive House standard simply because they might include particular features or approaches that are similar to Passive House. For example, they achieve a good air-tightness result, include insulation above the building code minimum, or use very little energy for heating. … Continue reading Claiming the Passive House standard

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