Tag Archives: passive house

Joe is no stranger to our Passive House Community but we have asked him to share a little about himself and his goals with our members.

“I’m Director of WEL Architecture, a Homestar Assessor & trainer for NZGBC, a Certified Passive House Designer & I have led the Auckland PHINZ Chapter since its inception. I’m dad to three ‘lively’ Kiwis, and husband to my amazing wife Sarah.

Originally from North Yorkshire in the UK, I grew up exploring the rural farms, moors and woodland around my childhood home. Through this experience I have a deep love of nature and the outdoors. After almost pursuing a career in sculpture, I moved to London in 2007 to study and work in Architecture, which added a love of urbanism & the built form to my passion for hands-on creating, before heading to NZ with my wife in March 2016 ‘to travel for a few months’!

We swiftly decided to stay and started our family; but after watching our children get sick in cold, mouldy, minimum code buildings, my passion grew for building performance and occupant health. To provide a better, healthier life for us I embarked on a journey to create our own Passive House Certified home – Lower Saddle Passive House, on a minimal budget. I believe that homes should achieve a standard far above what the NZ Building Code achieves, but that this doesn’t necessarily mean significant additional cost if this is prioritised and considered holistically throughout the design process, as we proved with our own project.

My passion, and the primary aim of my practice, is to get more people into healthy, low energy and low carbon homes and buildings through my own designs, through helping others as a consultant, and through teaching. I feel that Passive House is one of the best ways to achieve low energy, durable and comfortable homes, supported by other pathways and tools such as Homestar and Living Building Challenge, to cover the wider project context and elements such as water use, embodied carbon, biodiversity, healthy materials, the list goes on.

I have presented, lectured and taught building performance and energy modelling, and enjoy enabling others to learn. I have aimed to use the PHINZ Auckland Chapter events to educate and demystify building performance and Passive House, while also utilising my own experiences and journey to help others connect with and understand both elements.

In joining the PHINZ board, I hope to break down some of the perceived barriers around Passive House, show that healthier buildings can be achievable to those who feel that they are out of reach, demonstrate how Passive House is an appropriate way to achieve energy efficient, climate resilient buildings for New Zealand; and push for more education to allow more people to achieve Passive House Performance through their designs and work.

I have hands-on real-world experience with designing, building, and living in a Passive House, so can show that I’m not just talking the talk but also walking the walk. Through this I can discuss the positives and negatives of each stage, and how to approach them based on personal experience, all of which I hope to bring to the role.”

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We are excited to bring to you the PHINZ 2025 Webinar Series, with 20 webinars over the space of 10 months tailored for both the Designers in our community as well as Builders and Tradespeople.

The overarching webinar theme for the year

  1. Designers webinars : How to Build a Passive House
  2. Builders Social webinars: Everything Passive House

Whatever your interest in Passive House or level of expertise, there is something for everyone in this series. 

Each month we will present 2 x 1.5hr webinars on the selected topic for the month. The first webinar will be a Designers Webinar with a Host/moderator, technical speaker/s and a Q&A session.

The Builders Social will be more informal with the host providing a brief overview and perspective on the topic followed by a Q&A with the builder/s.


FebruaryAvoiding Lock-In Effects in Floor Slabs and Foundations
MarchAlternative Wall systems – SIPS’s, straw
AprilWeathertightness vs Airtightness
MayWindow Selection & Installation
JuneOpen discussion – Energy modelling insights


JulyHeat Pumps for space heating & hot water
AugustPassive House & Solar
SeptemberVentilation Design & Installation
OctoberHot Water & Plumbing
NovemberOpen discussion – I wish I’d known/You only do this once

View our Events page for details of individual webinars as they become available.

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PHINZ has issued the following press release in response to the recent media reports and comments by Minister Chris Penk.

PHINZ strongly disagrees with proposals to roll back insulation standards. The recent changes to the Acceptable solution in Building code clause H1 Energy Efficiency (H1/AS1) represented a positive step towards achieving the core objectives of the Building Act:

  • (i) people who use buildings can do so safely and without endangering their health; and
  • (ii) buildings have attributes that contribute appropriately to the health, physical independence, and well-being of the people who use them.

PHINZ acknowledges room for improvement in H1/AS1, but a rollback won’t solve the underlying issues. Instead, we propose building on the recent changes by moving to incorporate recommendations PHINZ has previously made, which are closely aligned to those proposed in MBIE’s Building for Climate change programme.

Here’s our proposal for revising H1/AS1:

  • Ditch the Flawed tools: The schedule, calculation and modeling methods contained within H1/AS1 are riddled with limitations and fail to reflect real-world building performance. Setting revised targets based on these methods is unlikely to create any positive change.
  • Embrace International Standards: PHINZ proposes replacing NZS 4218 with the internationally recognized ISO 52016. This allows for accurate building modeling and provides data in a universally understood format.
  • Performance over Prescriptive Measures: Instead of mandating specific R-values for individual building elements (a known ineffective approach), we advocate using building modelling to target maximum heating and cooling loads. This performance-based approach allows designers and builders to find the best solutions for a given climate, site, and building design.

Following these recommendations will establish robust, evidence-based building standards that fulfill the Building Act’s core functions while promoting construction industry innovation.”

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PHINZ has created a short guide to help with terminology when talking about projects that our members and other Passive House professionals undertake.

While PHINZ is focused on the Passive House standard, and other PHI standards, we know that not all projects are certified Passive Houses and that conversations regarding better performing buildings often seek to make comparisons.

This guide includes additional terms, common in the construction industry, to guide these conversations. The terms themselves and how they are used are not governed by PHINZ. We have included them in this guide to provide context, and to help members, sponsors, clients and journalists on Aotearoa’s journey towards the Passive House standard.

The guide is free to access on the downloads page or directly by clicking on the image below.

Please share the guide widely to support clarity around how we all refer to projects and understanding of what a Passive House project is. Greenwashing does no one any favours.

We also encourage Passive House professionals and others to read “Claiming the Passive House Standard” available on the downloads page. This covers legal aspects of false claims relating to use of the term “Passive House” which is protected in consumer law.

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The South Pacific Passive House Conference has been held annually and alternated between being hosted in New Zealand and Australia.

As the Australian Passivhaus Association (APA) and Passive House Institute New Zealand (PHINZ) grow, it has been recognised by both organisations and marketplaces that the time has come for annual conferences in each location.

This brings great benefits to the operations of each Association with the move to an annual conference leading to greater continuity of service to members and a stronger voice in our respective marketplaces. Additionally, it enhances our abilities to manage budgets and resources while allowing us to better cater to the needs of sponsors and manufacturers. 

Over the last ten years, the Australian and New Zealand Passive House Associations have been working together to share the location of our annual South Pacific Passive House Conference. This has been instrumental in supporting both markets to grow and connect with each other – and we are thankful for the close relationship fostered between the associations through activities such as these.

Both organisations remain committed to supporting one another and fostering a collaborative environment between the nations. As such, we continue to explore further opportunities for fresh collaborations in the future such as events, research and advocacy projects. 

Discounts will remain in place for each organisation’s respective members to attend the other’s conferences and, wherever possible, the organisations will plan ahead to ensure the conference dates do not clash. In addition, we are actively seeking opportunities to extend the benefits of each other’s membership offerings, with items such as mutual registration to monthly webinar access being arranged.

The APA will hold its next conference in Melbourne in May of 2024 with Aluplast confirming that they will be the principal sponsor of the event. The APA Board has also approved the ongoing name for APA’s Annual conference will be Thrive. This announcement demonstrates our intentions for PH in Australia. PHINZ intends to hold its conference in August / September of 2024.

Many thanks,
Alexia Lidas, CEO – APA  & Murray Robertson, Chair – PHINZ

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We may seem a bit late to the party since Homestar v5 was launched in 2021! However, Homestar v5 is due to come into force in February 2023 so we’d like to share some of our thoughts on it.

Homestar and Passive House – what’s the difference?

First, it’s important to acknowledge that Homestar and Passive House are quite different, but at the same time can be complementary programmes.

  • Homestar is a broad green building rating system with many categories created for New Zealand homes that is administered by the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC). Categories include, for instance, daylight, water conservation, appliance efficiency, resource efficiency, healthy materials, VOCs, construction waste, and embodied carbon. Accredited professionals design and certify Homestar projects.
  • Passive House is an international standard for comfort, health, and energy efficiency that can be applied to almost all building types, not just homes. The standard is administered by the Passive House Institute in Germany, but accredited New Zealand professionals design, construct, and certify Passive House buildings here. PHINZ advocates and provides education and resources (including software) to promote and encourage the uptake of Passive House in New Zealand.

While Passive House is a standalone standard with many benefits, it also provides an excellent building-science and evidence-based foundation for any sustainable building by ensuring some core fundamentals are rigorously taken care of. This is recognised by NZGBC and a certified Passive House project will gain many Homestar points (mainly energy, comfort, ventilation, and moisture credits) assisting it on the way to a high Homestar rating. Passive House tools have also informed the latest version of Homestar – more on this below.

Homestar v5

We were pleased to provide detailed feedback on proposed updates from Homestar v4 to v5 and see some of our suggestions implemented. Here are seven things we love about Homestar v5:

  1. Greater emphasis on thermal comfort and energy efficiency. These are core fundamentals that every building really should be achieving. It is an indictment of our traditionally poor building standards here in New Zealand that the majority of buildings fail to do so and people have to rely on voluntary programmes like Passive House and Homestar for these to be properly addressed.
  2. Energy modelling is prioritised. At the core of any high-performance building that achieves high thermal comfort and energy efficiency is rigorous energy modelling. It is a critical tool to guide the design and ensure building science underpins decisions about orientation, thermal insulation levels, glazing areas, configuration and performance, ventilation strategies, etc.
  3. NZGBC has created its own energy modelling tool, the Energy and Carbon Calculator for Homes (ECCHO), based on the Passive House energy modelling tool, the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP.) The PHPP software has been developed for over 30 years incorporating feedback from the monitored performance of completed buildings and feedback from dynamic modelling tools. It has been simplified enough to make it a highly effective design and certification tool while not losing any of its accuracy and rigour. We expect that the ECCHO tool will be invaluable for assisting Homestar-certified projects to achieve higher energy efficiency and a reduced performance gap, even when they don’t also target or achieve Passive House certification. PHPP can also be used for Homestar, as it can for NZ Building Code compliance (but note the following point.)
  4. It sets absolute energy intensity caps for thermal performance of the whole building, like Passive House has an annual heating demand limit of 15 kWh/m2. This is in contrast to a “two-model” or “reference model” approach, which the NZ Building Code H1 modelling method currently uses. In the “two model” approach, an improvement over a reference model based on elemental minimum compliance settings is required. This incentivises designing buildings with poor thermal performance as they are easy to show an improvement on. This is a well-established issue and Passive House Canada set it out clearly in this linked article. Setting absolute caps or targets overcomes this issue and it is what we must do if we are serious about reducing energy use and operational emissions from buildings.
  5. Addresses moisture control at junctions. Surface condensation and mould are prevalent in New Zealand housing, sadly, and often it can be due to thermal bridging at construction junctions or poor window details. Homestar now includes fRsi requirements for junctions, adopting the Passive House (PHPP v9) requirements. The freely available High-Performance Construction Details Handbook provides fRsi values for a catalogue of details, as well as the PSI values for heat transfer.
  6. Requires pressure testing, aka Blower Door Testing, for 8 Homestar rating and higher. It is good bulding science and widely recognised that reducing uncontrolled air movement (aka infiltration, exfiltration, airtightness) through the thermal envelope is critical for moisture protection and energy efficiency in buildings with high thermal performance. Homestar sets targets as infiltration per square metre of thermal envelope, rather than air changes per hour that Passive House uses. Both results can be derived from the same testing procedure, though.
  7. Addresses important aspects of sustainability that Passive House doesn’t. Passive House has a relatively narrow focus on the core fundamentals of building performance so there are many aspects of sustainable design it doesn’t cover and we don’t expect it ever will. This is arguably one of its strengths and a reason why it is so successful at delivering what it promises and eliminating the performance gap. This doesn’t mean other aspects don’t need addressing also, though, such as daylight, water conservation, appliance efficiency, resource efficiency, healthy materials, VOCs, construction waste, and embodied carbon, for example. Homestar provides a complementary framework to address these and many other aspects of sustainable design.

Homestar and Passive House crosswalk

NZGBC and PHINZ have worked together on a Homestar and Passive House crosswalk. This provides detailed guidance on which Homestar points and credits a certified Passive House project can acheive to promote and support dual cerrtification. When the crosswalk is published, it will be availabe on our downloads page and a direct link will be added here.

Other crosswalks

Other green building organisations have also set out how Passive House is complementary with their rating and created crosswalks. We are aware of the following:

The international Passive House Association also maintains a page on crosswalks that may be more up to date.

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Adele Eyers, originally from South Africa, has her own construction project management consultancy and in the last three months has been concentrating on the other side of the coin – an apprenticeship in building.  PHINZ would like to roundly congratulate Adele on being the first female to become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson in Aotearoa NZ, having recently passed the CET course.  We caught up with Adele to chat about her experience.

What motivated you to become involved in construction and in Passive House?

I’m a construction project manager and have my own consultancy company, and I hit a moment in life where I wanted to jump to the other side and pick up the tools.  I also have a brother and sister-in-law who are very passionate about Passive House, so it ended up being the natural route to go.  Once you go through all the literature for studying building you realise it’s best to start at the Passive House end, finding out the right way to build, and then layering the Building Code onto that, it becomes impossible not to want to build better.

What are your thoughts on the broader state of construction in Aotearoa?

Just speaking for the bigger construction companies that I’ve worked for in the last couple of years, you can see they are wanting to do the right thing and learn new ways, which shows a definite upward trend in the right direction.

For the younger apprentices getting into the industry, the earlier in their careers that they can get into Passive House and the science behind it, the better – because they’ll drive the new generation.

How did you get on with the PH Tradesperson course?

It was quite challenging mentally – refreshing to be that challenging though! It wasn’t a given that you were going to pass – you had to understand it and do the calcs in real life scenarios or you wouldn’t pass.  It was a good combination of practical and theory.  It was very mathematical, which I like, and it got the brain working.  I can see that it will be good knowing the building science behind it and how the calculations work to help moving forward.

What’s it been like being a strong female in the NZ construction industry?

Generally I feel supported. The attitude to females working in the construction industry in NZ is certainly better than in South Africa.  I currently work with a great team who value my input especially on the Passive House detailing since completing the course. There are lots more females in the trade (sparkies, plumbers) now.  But I don’t deny there is still old school thinking regarding females for a small number of the older generation in the industry.  The younger generation though is much more about equality. It’ll take time, but it’s getting there. And for my part, it’s a mindset to get through your apprenticeship but I definitely make sure people don’t walk over me.

What would you say to other wahine thinking about getting in to the industry?

Just do it!  If you have a hint of wanting to get into the industry and your doubting it, don’t over think it. Just do it. The support will be there, one way or another you’ll find it.  

Any thoughts on where to from here for you?

I always thought I knew the answer: that I’d be expanding my project management consultancy in a particular direction, but now after doing the Passive House course I’m not so sure.  I’m going to concentrate on getting the building apprenticeship done as quickly as I can, and then it’s brewing in the background to expand into a more Passive House line.  Possibly an idea around building a supportive network for female tradies. It’s brewing!

What do you feel you got out of the Passive House course?

This course has taught me how important airtightness is in a house. Having built a beautiful home, designed by my sister in law Jessica Eyers from Hiberna 5 years ago, we then sold to move to Wanaka. Our current house, built in 2011, is the best we could afford at the time, and the quality of the build is terrible.  I would urge people to think long term – invest early on and do it as good as you can, because you’re only going to do it once. Some people build houses that incorporate “some” aspects of Passive House – you spend a lot of money in intello and tape and detailing, but you still have thermal bridges, so you don’t end up with a house that performs as you expected in your mind.  They go part way – I would recommend doing it right and going the full distance as you’ll be spending the extra in wasted energy costs on a part-way build over the next years anyway.

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PIHA HOUSE started in 2019 as pretty much a standard renovation of an existing 2012 build, using European quality exterior joinery and more insulation. Although the brief was not Passive House quality, it was continued work for myself and team, considering I am a Certified Passive House Builder.

Work started, removing interior linings to add extra insulation and hello, we found mould, particularly in the closed cell roof cavity, but also in the walls.
As we now know, dew point is real and really brings home the problems it can cause if positioned in the wrong place, or allowed to be positioned in the wrong place.

As my client had health problems associated with mould sensitivity, the only way forward was to reassess and consider Passive House construction.

The decision was very quick, YES !!! No other way.

Sang Architects were bought in as they specialise in Passive House Architecture, and Jason Quinn from Sustainable Engineering as our adviser and, can I say mentor, and PHPP engineer and Certifier.

As this was the first EnerPHit project in NZ, we were definitely in a new space, but very exciting at the same time. Who doesn’t love a good challenge with something you are passionate about?

The construction was really so much fun, testing us at every corner, but with the end result in the back of your mind all the time, WILL WE GET CERTIFICATION, is a huge driving force.

One of my guys, Visko, spent six weeks air tight taping exterior protrusions from the treated area envelope to the exterior, probably using 60 rolls of Proclima Tescon Vana tape.

During the process of the job I was lucky to be able to purchase a second hand Blower Door kit, this was invaluable to check our work as we progressed.

One very significant piece of this job was the interaction of upper floor exterior concrete decks above treated floor areas below.
To mitigate thermal bridging, 80mm insulation board was glued to the underside of the concrete decks with 20mm EPS board glued onto the walls, 600mm down from the ceiling, Jasons Quinn’s calculations and thermal bridging imaging gave us this specification. Also to mitigate dew point on the interior between the underside of concrete and the insulation board, the ceiling was suspended allowing for the ventilation return air to permeate through this cavity, we also integrated a baffles system, basically a labyrinth of wads at one metre centres running the length of the enclosure with a gap in the centre of the first wad and then a gap at each end of the next wad and so on. This made the air flow encompass the whole space instead of making a one track to the return pickup.
Actually, this was my clients idea, brilliant idea.

As this was an existing concrete block, two story solid plaster exterior painted finish, Jason advised that we would use the painted plaster as our air tight wall barrier, and the existing bitumen membrane roof as the roof barrier.
Exterior insulation was installed over the outside of these existing claddings, wall cladding continuing down to the foundations to a minimum of 600mm below floor slab height.
So, Stotherm with 100mm Graphite board and 160mm warm roof with bitumen Nuraply.

As my clients are very natural product driven, the interior was all timber types, coated with non toxic products, Osmo being the most used.

The job was completed in February 2022 with CERTIFICATION !!

Photo: Sang Architects

I would thank all involved. What a project!

Piha House EnerPHit can be viewed here on the Sang Architects website.

Progress in teaching clients the importance future building technology offers, has been quite slow over the last ten years, but noticeable interest gaining each year, to the point now that the Government are building Kāinga Ora developments to Certified Passive House standard. This in turn is directing Standards NZ to adopt climate zoning for insulation values, next in line is exterior joinery. Before you know it, Passive House will be the new NZ build standard.

-Terry Bryers, Bruyere Ltd

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What are the important things that make your life comfortable..healthy…happy? If you scaled that idea up to your community, have you ever thought what that community might look like? Would it be a place where you’re not shivering by a fire at night so you don’t spend too much on power? Or where your child isn’t coughing from the mould in their bedroom or the condensation down their windows in the morning? Or would it be walking into a school or workplace in winter and staying comfortable all day so you can think on more important things? In that community, would it be taken for granted that everyone naturally had access to that comfort and health?

We wanted to find this out too, and to see what differences were being made in the community by doing the Passive House courses at the ground level. What we received was an inspiring insight from Certified Passive House Tradespersons Glenn Harley from Harley Builders and Lenny Basham from Basham Building Ltd

Here’s what Glenn had to say….

By the time I signed up for the Passive House Tradesperson course, our company had already completed a couple of Passive House projects. The course offered by PHANZ dovetailed (sorry) nicely with the practical realities of a Passive House build.  I found the opportunity to calculate U values of various building materials interesting and applicable.  We got a window (there I go again) into European building techniques and products.
Kara has a witty and direct style honed from many years of teaching people how to build better. She is a fantastic resource available right here in Aotearoa.

And Lenny highlighted how the CET course made a tangible difference to him and his business….

As a passionate carpenter, I would highly recommend the Passive House Tradesperson Course. Previously, I had attended a Primer in Wellington. So I thought I had a reasonable understanding of what a Certified Passive House was. However, after completing the course, I had a much more comprehensive knowledge base on all things Passive and a lot more confidence in the field.

There have been many benefits to completing this course. It has enabled me to have educated debate with designers and engineers on how a building will perform. This has allowed me to dictate material choices and approaches to design. These professionals have been grateful to have someone that knows about thermal bridging or allowing for services such as ventilation in the design stage. This has then made the build easier.

The course gave me knowledge so that I have been able to work with designers in the certification process of a Passive House. We would’ve missed a heap of documentation such as key photos or detailing around airtightness if I had not completed the course. This would’ve been costly financially or we wouldn’t have a building that achieved Passive House standard.

Another bonus has been the ability to impress clients on how a home can perform and school them up on Passive details and design. That has seen me win a couple of tenders where competitors didn’t know about heating demands and the importance of good design.

The whole concept of a Passive House can be quite daunting at first. There’s so much detailing and numbers to get your head around compared to a standard build. A lot of it is quite intellectual and scientific. As a carpenter, you wonder what its relevance is, when all you want to do is build a quality home? The course helps bridge the gap between the design nerds behind the numbers and the fellas onsite who actually create the beast. The CET Tradesperson course gives you confidence to navigate through the whole process and it would simply be a whole lot harder to build a Passive House if you didn’t school yourself up first and do the course. I highly recommend it.”

The next in-person Certified Passive House Tradesperson’s course is happening in Auckland in May. You can find all the info on this, along with courses for Designers and Consultants at phanz.co.nz
You can also find Certified Passive House professionals in your area by heading to our members directory and filtering by “Certified Passive House Professionals”

Be part of the change.

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