Tag Archives: passivehouse

On 29 November, MBIE released the 2021 update to the building code. The main changes include increasing insulation requirements and changes to Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods.

However, quietly tucked way in H1/VM1 Energy Efficiency Verification Method is a section that now recognises the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) as a modelling tool that can be used as a means of compliance.

This is really exciting because although the methods required for compliance with the Building Code still leave plenty to be desired (read out position paper here), PHPP is a reliable and accurate modelling tool when used correctly. Passive House designers and consultants receive training in the use of PHPP as part of their CEPH2 course and some of them offer it as an independent service – see certified Passive House designers and consultants here.

If you want to buy a copy of PHPP, we are a licensed reseller and you can purchase it from our online shop.

Watch this space for a further info and events relating to PHPP!

H1/VM1 Energy Efficiency Verification Method

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On Thursday 25th November PHINZ hosted a webinar which covered the challenges faced and solutions implemented in consenting the windows for the Wunderbar Passive House project.

Darryl Sang and Alya Abed Ali from Sang Architects and Darryl August and Ian Fong from August Millard talked through the details and shared their learnings.

If you missed the webinar itself or would like to re-run it again you can find the link for the recording and the slides below. We hope you enjoy it. Watch out for more webinars hosted by PHINZ in the near future on both our website in Upcoming Events and on our Facebook page.

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The number of certified Passive House projects is growing fast in Aotearoa NZ. And with Passive House being in the media more frequently, PHINZ is often asked how many Passive House projects there are in Aotearoa NZ.

Unfortunately, this question does not have a straightforward answer.

Passive House certification is an independent process undertaken by an accredited Passive House certifier and PHINZ, as a charity, has no role in certifying projects. This also means we don’t keep a complete list of all certified projects.

Many certified Passive House projects get submitted to the international Passive House database, however, this is voluntary and therefore not comprehensive. There are currently (as of 07 September 2021) a total of 56 certified Passive House projects in Aotearoa NZ listed on the database. These include:

  • 47 certified Passive House Classic dwelling units made up of 27 certified projects as some are multi-unit.
  • 8 certified Passive House Plus projects
  • 1 certified Passive House Premium project

Current figures can be found on the international Passive House database using the advanced search function.

As noted, there may be other Passive House projects not on the database.

Additionally, one of our members, Sustainable Engineering, maintains a map of certified projects in Aotearoa NZ and Australia.

We are aware of many more projects being developed that are targeting Passive House, not least the exciting project announced by Kāinga Ora today and in the news here also.

PHINZ is currently developing a project directory for our website. This will showcase Passive House projects in Aotearoa NZ and the builders, designers and component suppliers involved.

There are also number of Passive House projects showcased on the PHINZ youtube channel – check them out and subscribe to see more in the future!

Please note that Passive House is an as-built building standard and is protected by consumer law. Projects that do not meet the standard cannot be referred to as “Passive House” regardless of what they might claim. For more details on this please see our article on Claiming the Passive House standard.

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The SPPHC21 is set for November 25-27th at Auckland’s AUT. Hosted in cooperation with APHA and AUT this year’s theme is Our Common Future with topics including Passive House social housing and intergenerational wellbeing. Registrations are open now – get in quick as numbers are limited and Early Bird rates end August 31st. For more info and registration go to our upcoming events conference page

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We are very pleased to announce our new “brochure” – Passive House: Homes Where People Thrive.

This is an accessible guide for people planning to build a new home – learn all about the health, comfort and quality benefits of a Passive House. This concise guide also has the details of what sets Passive House apart, the stages of a Passive House project and much more.

Free as a PDF from the downloads page.

Passive House: Homes Where People Thrive (Cover)
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Earth Day 2021 is on April 22nd! Restoring Our Earth is bigger than one solution or one country’s efforts. We must come together as a global community to make changes, and more importantly make them quickly. Recognising the crucial role that maximising the efficiency of the resources we already have is pivotal: EFFICIENCY is our FIRST renewable resource. Find out all about the Passive House Efficiency First Campaign here

#passivehouse #Passivhaus #efficiencyfirst #RestoreOurEarth #EarthDay

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Two exciting new developments are in the pipeline, advocating for Passive House to provide healthy and energy efficient new homes.

1. Bushland Park

Bushland Park near Christchurch offers houses that have already been designed to target Passive House certification. The project has been designed by certified Passive House designer Karen Manson, of PHINZ member Meta Architects, and will be built by certified Passive House tradesperson, Peter Bielski of PHINZ member Ethos Homes. This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase your very own Passive House.

Please visit the website Bushland Park for more information.

2. Greenwood Lane

Bellbird Developments, started by Vicki Spearing in 2019, will be providing owners with incentives for building energy efficient homes at Greenwood Lane. Up to $20,000 in cash back incentives are available for those building beyond Building Code and meeting specific Heating Demand figures and airtightness testing results.

Anyone building at Greenwood Lane will be required to model their design with an approved Passive House designer and will help to cover these costs. They will also contribute towards the cost of Passive House certification. Not surprisingly, all sections are already sold!

More information is available on the website: bellbirddevelopments.co.nz

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The international campaign continues, with the launch of the PHINZ #EfficiencyFirst Pamphlet. This is available on our downloads page, and you can also view the pamphlets for other iPHA affiliates here


Associação Passivhaus Portugal (PHPT)

Hellenic Passive House Institute

IG Passivhaus Deutschland

New York Passive House (NYPH)

North American Passive House Network (NAPHN)

Passivhaus Austria

Passive House California (PHCa)

Passivhaus Trust

Plataforma Edificación Passivhaus (PEP)


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